Kamis, 13 November 2008

Aktifkan scroll mouse pada slackware

root@posen-nomeames:~# vi /etc/X11/xorg.conf
<------------------------bagian input device ----------------------------------->

Section "InputDevice"
# Identifier and driver
Identifier "Mouse1"
Driver "mouse"
# On platforms where PnP mouse detection is supported the following
# protocol setting can be used when using a newer PnP mouse:

# Option "Protocol" "Auto"

# The available mouse protocols types that you can set below are:
# Auto BusMouse GlidePoint GlidePointPS/2 IntelliMouse IMPS/2
# Logitech Microsoft MMHitTab MMSeries Mouseman MouseManPlusPS/2
# MouseSystems NetMousePS/2 NetScrollPS/2 OSMouse PS/2 SysMouse
# ThinkingMouse ThinkingMousePS/2 Xqueue

Option "Protocol" "IMPS/2"

Option "ZaxisMapping" "4 5"

# The mouse device. The device is normally set to /dev/mouse,
# which is usually a symbolic link to the real device.
Option "Device" "/dev/mouse"

# Option "Device" "/dev/psaux"
# Option "Device" "/dev/ttyS0"
# Option "Device" "/dev/ttyS1"

# When using XQUEUE, comment out the above two lines, and uncomment
# the following line.

# Option "Protocol" "Xqueue"

# Baudrate and SampleRate are only for some Logitech mice. In
# almost every case these lines should be omitted.

# Option "BaudRate" "9600"
# Option "SampleRate" "150"

# Emulate3Buttons is an option for 2-button Microsoft mice
# Emulate3Timeout is the timeout in milliseconds (default is 50ms)

Option "Emulate3Buttons" "off"
Option "Emulate3Timeout" "50"

# ChordMiddle is an option for some 3-button Logitech mice
Option "ChordMiddle"
Option "CorePointer"
